Coming This Week

May Sermon Series:

We are revitalizing our Wednesday Morning programming for adults age 55+.  Every Wednesday, at 10:30am, in the sanctuary;
- Bro. Troy leads Bible Study through Ephesians
- Revamped music time
- Special guest soloists

Church family, here is the list of songs we’ll use this Sunday morning, May 05, 2024, along with our times of preaching, prayer, and Scripture reading in our worship services at 8:30 am and 10:45 am. Let’s come with hearts ready to give ourselves to the Lord in worship. We encourage you to listen to the songs as you prepare your heart for our worship services. To that end, we’ve included YouTube links to the songs below:

"Down At the Cross (Glory to His Name)":

“Glory Glory (God Is Able)”:

“I Speak Jesus”:

Our Worship Ministry volunteers will share a message in a song entitled:
“Great Things”:

“In Christ Alone”:

Bro. Jim Yates will share a message from God's Word. 

Worship Choir on Wednesdays, at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary choir loft.  Have you ever thought about being part of the Worship Choir?  Come and check out this great opportunity to use your gifts and talents to serve the Lord and His church!  Don't read music?  No problem!  We'll teach you everything you need to know.  Unsure about walking into a room full of new people?  No problem!  Our choir is filled with friendly people who love Jesus and who will love you too!

Auburn Youth 7th - 12th Grades

Sunday Bible Study
9:45 am
Wednesday Nights

Our Wednesday night activities will be a combination of Bible Study and events at different locations each week. Here is our Schedule:
       Schedule for Youth Grades 7-12 at Auburn Baptist Church.
5:30 pm: Family Meal
6:30 pm: Large group
6:45 pm: Small Groups

 Parents, there are several ways for you to get information about what is going on in Youth Ministry. We have a GroupMe, Facebook page, and email list. If you would like to be added to any of these please contact Ray at (662) 397-2133 or
We are excited for this new chapter in our Children’s Department! We are currently trying to plan several different events to bring our families together and to teach our children the importance of being involved in the church.
We are studying different ways to follow through with our faith and our love for the Lord. TeamKID is a great curriculum that focuses on how they can be a great Christian at a young age. We are challenging our children to use their everyday lives to be on mission for the Gospel.
Join me in praying for our children!

May 5th, 2024

Blessing Bags Item of the Week:
Mac N Cheese Cups
Roger & Denise Smith
The Lee County Library Bookmobile will be coming on Mondays to the Church's parking lot starting April 3rd from 2pm-4pm.